Penalty Abatement
Quire’s portfolio of services also extends to managing penalty abatement processes with the IRS. Penalty abatement refers to the IRS’s decision to remove penalties applied to a taxpayer’s account, which can occur for various reasons such as failure to pay, late filing, and inaccuracies in tax submissions. Even after a penalty abatement, taxpayers remain liable for any outstanding taxes owed.
Our services include guiding you through various penalty relief requests—whether it’s directly over the phone, crafting a detailed penalty abatement request letter, or leveraging our expertise to manage the abatement process efficiently on your behalf.
If you’ve already paid the penalty, we’ll assist you in filing Form 843 to request a refund, ensuring adherence to the claim’s timing requirements for a seamless process.
We’ll help you compile and submit the necessary documentation for your penalty abatement request, from death certificates and doctor’s notes to insurance claims. With our guidance, submit the right copies to bolster your case, understanding the implications of a denied request on future attempts.
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